"Did you know 3.0" by Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod is one of the most eye opening video's I have seen in a really long time. The video gives startling statistics about technology, language, and education here in the United States and around the world. One of the most shocking statistic for me was the fact that the 25% of India's population with the highest IQ's is greater than the total of the population of the United States. I personally feel like teachers in the United States should find out what they are doing in India that is so successful and try and implement it into our curriculum.
This video also made me think of our family when we had our first computer that everyone had to share. My sisters and I were only allowed 30 minutes a day to get on to the computer and play our various games. It is funny to think back because now every member of our family has their own personal laptop. Technology is growing at such a rate that it will be impossible to catch up if we do not start to learn how to use it now. It is becoming such a helpful tool in every aspect of our lives and I personally am glad I am in the generation that is able to learn from it.
"Mr. Winkle Wakes" is a video about a man who woke up after 100 years of sleeping. After he wakes he wanders the streets and finds himself inside an office building where he is quickly learns that the times have changed. He gets overwhelmed after seeing how much we rely on this new technology and feels he has to leave to go to the hospital. When in the hospital he finds that machines are keeping people alive, and doctors are depending on technology to perform some of their operations. Feeing even more overwhelmed he leaves again to find himself by a local school. Inside he school he feels right at home because students still learn in the same way they did 100 years ago.
It is so funny to watch my 2 year old little girl grab my phone and push her application button and play her games on my phone all without any help from me or her dad. Many kids these days spend a lot of time in front of computers and video games and would rather play on these devices rather than do school or homework. I feel teachers and parents should learn from this and find tools for their kids to implement learning while they are on the computer. Sitting in a classroom for eight hours straight listening to lectures is something kids these days are having more trouble with because there is so much more they would rather be doing. If we learn to integrate the two together we would have more students interested in school.
The video of Sir Ken Robinson on "The Importance of Creativity" was such an inspirational speech to watch and it really opened my eyes on how society truly looks down upon creativity. When children are young it is so cute to see them express themselves in art and dance however, when they reach elementary school they are forced to stop almost completely. Children of all ages should have an opportunity to express themselves in the arts while they are school to help them with creativity. If they are encouraged to be creative it may help them in the long run be more confident in themselves.
I personally do not feel like I am a talented in any type of art because I was never pushed when I was a child to see what I could or could not do. I fortunately went to a church with a children's choir and I even had a few solo's. Now as an adult I am on the praise team at my church where I sing every Sunday in front of everyone. If as teachers would encourage all types of creativity we may be surprised of what our kids can actually do. We may have a child in the classroom who is struggling with a particular subject and we can find another way to help them with art or dancing. Allowing more creativity in the classroom is something I really hope to see in the future of education, and I for one will help that happen.
Cecilia Gault is a young student in Finland who is interviewing Sir Ken Robinson on his take on the myths of creativity. The kids in Finland are making better grades than the children in the United States. While Cecilia is interviewing Mr. Finland you can tell that she is a bright young student and it really seems like she will go places in life. How can we as teachers in the United States teach our students to be so successful? I feel like we should look at every child and try and see what area they are special in and give them the chance to shine like Cecilia had. If we truly care about these kids we as teachers would give them every opportunity to grow and do the things they love.
"Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts" is a video about a teacher Mrs. Vicki Davis who allows her students in her classroom to use every and all technology to learn from. Students in the video were using cellphones, computers, and computer games in her classroom to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. The students were working independently and in groups using the technology in ways even some grown ups do not know how to use it. Mrs. Davis mentions that all students have the capacity of learning but we as teachers need to use all that there is available to them such as social media. Using the traditional pen and paper method may not be what we should rely on 100% of the time anymore because we have so many more options now. It is so important for children to know how to use all of this technology because they are the future of this world.
When I become a teacher I hope to see the students as Mrs. Davis does. Children are like sponges and if we teach them how to use this technology properly then there is no telling what our future will hold. Allowing them to to be creative and explore with everything that is in their reach will challenge them to invent and create a brighter future. We should not be afraid of children and technology instead show them how to use it. I cannot wait to see what the future will hold and I know that this new generation is going to be the minds that change it.
Jessica, I enjoyed reading your post on Did you know 3.0! I also remember what is was like to have only one computer to our family, it often was the center of fights between me and my siblings. Now we all have iPhone's and our own laptops too, and having to share technology is a thing of the past. Thanks for sharing! Katelyn
ReplyDeleteYou did a wonderful job reviewing the many thoughts presented in the videos for this blog post. I think my favorite point that you made was when you stated that in order for students to get more out of their education, we need to combine traditional and technological methods. that kind of thinking is exactly what we need to have as 21st century teachers.
I am glad that you see the importance of having an environment to cater to the "Cecilia Gaunts" in your future classroom, but what are a few steps to actually getting it done? Saying it is way easier than doing it! Keep that thinking cap on, and make sure to soak up what EDM 310 has to offer: it will help you make your classroom a better place! Good post,
Rebekah Lloyd