Friday, October 14, 2011

Blog Post # 8

This Is How We Dream Part 1 and 2
In the youtube presentations "This Is How We Dream Part 1 and 2," Dr. Richard E. Miller discusses writing with multimedia. He begins to tell the audience how vital the times are that we are living in because of the fact that technology is advancing at such a rapid pace. He spoke about when he was a young child he had a love for books. Dr. Miller grew up and actually wrote a book where you can find it in a library amongst many other books, or "you can purchase it on amazon for 59 cents." Dr. Miller takes us through the last few years of how technology has made its way into literature. He points out that now we do not rely on pencils and paper but rather, we carry our laptops for reading and composing most of our work. Any and everything you could possibly want to be educated about can now be found at the click of your mouse.
Dr. Miller discusses several ways for us to bring this technology into the educational scene. He says that we need to have: spaces that foster collaborative learning, inspiring teachers of new media composing, pedagogies that foster creativity and collaboration, and ubiquitous composing technology. Dr. Miller wants all of the humanities and sciences to come together and share their technologies in order to make a more unified University. The rate that technology is growing I agree with Dr. Miller. I am in my junior year here at the University of South Alabama and I am just now understanding the importance of the role technology is playing in my life. As a future teacher I hope that when I am in my classroom teaching my students I will be able to explain just how important technology is in their own lives. I enjoyed this presentation and I hope to learn more about writing with multimedia in the future.

Carly Pugh's Blog Post #12
Reading through and watching all of the links that Carly posted on her "blog post #12" really helped me to see what we should really be doing as a teacher teaching with technology. It will be so fun to have a lesson planned out and simply have the students read through it at their own pace ,and be able to click on the individual links to really understand the concepts. Using all of these different sources in one assignment is exactly what Dr. Miller was talking about. I will continue to learn about what is available to me on the internet so that I can one day collaborate it all into lessons for my future students.

The Chipper Series and EDM 310 For Dummies

"The Chipper Series" and "EDM 310 For Dummies" was a lot of fun to watch. I recognized a few girls in the video's, and it is cool to see that we are getting to make fun videos to watch for future students. The Chipper Series was a series of events that a student in Dr. Strange's class went through after she quit school because of the work it took to be in the class. It is humorous to see the different things she tried to do in order to be a successful person. Life teaches many lessons and the greatest lesson Chipper learned from the back of a garbage truck, was that if you want to get anywhere in life it is going to take hard work.
EDM 310 for Dummies was also a fun video to watch. When I heard about this class before I even stepped into the door, I was frightened about the hard work it was going to take to pass the class. I have learned now that I really enjoy this class more than any others this semester. I am learning life time lessons about technology and my very own character. I have learned so much about myself in this course, and I would do a video about some of the lessons I have learned about time management, my dreams and how I hope to accomplish them in the future, and how much fun EDM 310 can be.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
"Learn to Change, Change to Learn" is a video found on youtube. The video features many different educators, CEO's, and professors talking about how the traditional classroom needs to change because the times are changing. Children are being raised in an entirely different world in the 21st century than in years past, and we need to update our educational system to keep up with the changes. I agree with what I heard on the video. What stuck out to me the most was the fact that questions can be answered on the internet, but we as teachers need to teach students to learn to validate the information. Students cannot take everything they see on the internet as truth. Teachers need to teach their students how synthesize the information and test it amongst other sites to make sure it lines up. We have an important job as educators and we need to utilize the internet as much as we can. Networking with other teachers is really important too. If one teacher has a question about something than another teacher may have the answer. Teachers from across the world need to unite and help each other out. The title of the video says it all. Learn to change, change to learn.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica,

    I am glad to see that you are having a good time in EDM310 so far - I agree that it is rewarding to see movies we create used in future classroom demonstrations! Making these videos, and using them as examples in the classroom is exactly what the idea of a 21st century classroom entails - active, involved, hands-on learning!


    Rebekah Lloyd
